Backus Lawyer

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Backus Lawyer

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<A Digest of Laws Relating to the Offices and Duties of Sheriff...2
With side notes, forms and index. Backus was a lawyer and justice of the peace who practiced in Stratford, Connecticut.

<Las Vegas NV Lawyer - Edgar Carranza
Edgar Carranza. Type: 89128 Lawyer Law Firm: Backus Carranza County: Clark Co.

<The Complete Constable: Containing his Office... Hartford, 1812. -...
A good copy. $200. *First edition. Backus was a lawyer and justice of the peace who practiced in Stratford, Connecticut.

<BU Alumni Web :: ADVANCEMENT :: Spring 2003
I love it here — doesn’t everyone?” By 1948, Backus was a mother and a widow. Jonathan Strong was Backus’s lawyer during the last...

<CD Baby: EDDIE MCGARRY: Heat from the Spark - hear and buy it at CD
Five of his siblings—-Margy Backus, Tricia Lawyer, Kate McGarry, Allen McGarry, and Beth Sheehan—-perform background vocals on the debut...

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