Cookson Lawyer

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Cookson Lawyer

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<Kittery man pleads not guilty to murder
Cookson's lawyer, Phil Desfosses, said he had hoped to have a bail review hearing at the same time yesterday, but the assistant attorney...

<Cookson to be tried in court
Cookson's lawyer, Phil Desfosses, has stated his client will plead not guilty to the charge.

<Bilked sunroom customers to get little relief
"There's really nothing for us to do but to wait to see how the bankruptcy shakes out," said Cookson's lawyer, Matthew A. Caffrey.

<Cookson to be tried in court
Cookson's lawyer, Phil Desfosses, has stated his client will plead not guilty to the charge.

<Elizabeth Cookson
Cookson (1801-1877): Wordsworth's lawyer and executor; became President of the Law Society and died a very wealthy man. Henry Wilkinson Cookson...

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