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<HoustonChronicle.com - Long deliberations cheer Andersen's lawyer
As deliberations drag on, Andersen's lawyer 'delighted' Associated Press RESOURCES...

<Mighty Ducks
Guns) stars in The Mighty Ducks, the hilarious comedy that made moviegoers stand up and cheer! Tough trial lawyer Gordon Bombay (Estevez) never...

<The Mighty Ducks (VHS)
GUNS) stars in THE MIGHTY DUCKS, the hilarious comedy that made moviegoers stand up and cheer! Tough trial lawyer Gordon Bombay (Estevez) never...

<HoustonChronicle.com - Long deliberations cheer Andersen's lawyer
Lawyer says Enron's assurances didn't make deal a sham. Fastow sued for back taxes on beach home. Defense prepares to make its case in barge...

<The Mighty Ducks (English/French/Spanish DVD)
GUNS) stars in THE MIGHTY DUCKS, the hilarious comedy that made moviegoers stand up and cheer! Tough trial lawyer Gordon Bombay (Estevez) never...

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