Sydney Lawyer

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Sydney Lawyer

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<Man arrested over Sydney lawyer's murder. 30/07/2004. ABC News...
Man arrested over Sydney lawyer's murder...

<Sydney lawyer joins Saddam's defence team. 08/07/2004. ABC News...
Prominent Sydney lawyer John Marsden says he has agreed to join Saddam Husseins defence team Mr Marsden says he was called from Jordan last night by...

<solicitor , solicitors , lawyer , lawyers , law , law firm , legal ,... , Australian solicitor , NSW Lawyers , NSW solicitors , property , Serman and Associates , Sydney attorney , Sydney lawyer , Sydney...

<commercial , solicitor , solicitors , lawyer , lawyers , law , law... , Australian solicitor , NSW Lawyers , NSW solicitors , property , Serman and Associates , Sydney attorney , Sydney lawyer , Sydney...

<AM - Sydney lawyer asked to join Saddam Hussein's legal team
Sydney lawyer John Marsden has a reputation for defending high profile clients in famous cases and now hes about to add Saddam Hussein to that list...

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