Searles Lawyer

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Searles Lawyer

This area of the website lists Searles Lawyers. Simply choose from the list of Searles Lawyers listed below.

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<Alaska fishery awarded eco-label
Janis Searles, a lawyer for Oceana, another group that objected to the eco-label, said part of the problem is with the council's process.

<Alaska Bering Sea pollock gets eco-label
Janis Searles, a lawyer for Oceana, another group that objected to the eco-label, said part of the problem is with the MSC process.

<Guardian | Sea lions take on the US fishing industry
Janis Searles, lawyer for the Earthjustice Legal Defence Fund which is representing the environmental groups, said the injunction had been...

<Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Sea lions take on the US...
Janis Searles, lawyer for the Earthjustice Legal Defence Fund which is representing the environmental groups, said the injunction had been...

<Donovan Searles, consumer reports, Philadelphia law firm, class...
DONOVAN SEARLES, LLC 1845 Walnut Street, Suite 1100, Philadelphia, Pa.

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